Friday, May 01, 2009

friday in a canoe

So far, this Juneau experience has not been normal. I have only seen one day of rain since I arrived almost two weeks ago, and tonight temperatures are reaching 70 degrees. It has been phenomenal.
Today Naomi and I went canoeing in the ocean--right next to the boat in this picture. It was amazing. Sunshine, warmth, mountains, ocean, good friend. It honestly doesn't get much better.

This week has been wonderful. Work is kicking in a bit more. I went on my first bicycle tour as a rear guide (meaning I just ride and follow up the end of the group since I don't yet know enough about Juneau to be very interesting). I have been tired this week, but I have to think that biking 12 miles a day just in commuting, plus whatever I do on a tour has something to do with that. I was the poor, sorry victim of three flat tires this week (yes, please feel sorry for me and offer me your sympathy). You'd think I ride through glass on purpose or something. By the third one I was a tad frustrated and feeling ridonkulous. But I learned how to change a tire like a pro and am hoping for the best for this coming week.

I am going to take a few posts to introduce you to all my room/house/duplex-mates, but I thought I'd start with the hairiest first...Triton...the Newfoundland. This dog is the best dog ever (third only to Jessie Owens and Grace Elizabeth, Collish). He is 9 months old and 90 pounds (at least) and could still double in size. He is playful,
beautiful, loves eating sticks and drooling on everything. He is so adorable and lo
ving, I might need to be a newfy-lover from here on out. The best thing is, he likes cuddling with people. In the evening, it is not out of the ordinary to find one of the housemates on the floor snuggling with the dog. I have watched a lot of dogs in my day--and this is a rare previledge. This dog loves his people. I am now "aunt sarah" a third Calland, Johann and now Triton. :) It's a role I am more than willing to assume.


Life with the Lyons said...

Love it!! How fun to have a dog for the summer. Scott and i were just talking about dogs today. His most recent interest is adopting a stray Chihuahua if one happens to arrive at our door step, or if we happen to see one running around our neighborhood. It's kind of a trend around here. Lots of people do it. And he wants to name it something like "Eliandro" or "Alfredo."

sarahg said...

ha! i love it. i vote for alfredo, myself. a chihuahua chased me the other day while i was riding--it was a funny sight in my minds eye.